
Best ssd for mac mini late 2012
Best ssd for mac mini late 2012

best ssd for mac mini late 2012

I played this video on another computer, and just started and stopped it as needed. In conjunction with the above steps, this video is fantastic and shows you step by step how to disassemble, add the SSD, and reassemble the Mac Mini.Once I had restored and verified that I was booting from the new SSD, I validated that things were working correctly, and then erased the original SSD for more fresh storage.

best ssd for mac mini late 2012 best ssd for mac mini late 2012

The only deviation I encountered was to do an Erase of the new SSD as part of step 6, before doing the restore of the whole original SSD from Time Machine, onto the new SSD. Follow the steps here, specifically the post from Mike Diglio.I had spent some time researching the best way to go about the installation, and here is what I followed, and recommend if you would also like to install a second SSD into your Mac Mini.

Best ssd for mac mini late 2012